"Draw your pleasure, paint your pleasure, and express your pleasure strongly." -Pierre Bonnard, 1867-1947
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Hey guys, sorry I've been a bit out of the circle, work has been crazy -- lots of overtime. I have been working in my sketchbook, so here are a few scans from that to show that I am still in the art biz. Some of the local musicians like my sketch stuff and I got a really nice write up on myspace at www.myspace.com/bongosteve. So that's the news from Toledo, hope you like everything.
very nice milady, very nice. that is where all the hard work is done. i got your message sorry i havent called yet, im working two jobs right now and havent been afforded much talk time. ill call this weekend!
Beautiful!!! I especially love the second one. You're really using shape and design a lot, they look great. They remind me a little of Gary Kelley, I think because of the cafe theme. Great job!!!
Erika, these are really cool. Do you do them all in one sitting? How long are you spending on these? What type of pen are you using? They are really nice, I'm glad you are keeping up with the sketchbook stuff.
I'm using a Pentel R.S.V.P. pen. I like that it gives me a nice range of values and lots of control . . but I'm a control freak, so it suit me. ;) Most of the pages are collages of a sitting, but some are compiled over several visits if nothing fits the composition. Usually I complete 1 to 1.5 spreads per visit,
Talk to your family about what you do and expect them to cheer you on.
Base the success of your entire career on one project.
Stick with what you know.
Undervalue your expertise
Let money dictate what you do.
Bow to Societal Pressures.
Only do work that your family would love.
Do whatever the client/customer/gallery owner/patron/investor asks.
Set unachievable/overwhelming goals. To be accomplished by tomorrow.
thank you, Starbuck!
[12] - Wanna-be Academiers- June-July
Try to do the Illustration Academy assignments, or at least the idea-making and thumbnail part of it. Experiment, try something new, push yourself. Also use this time to catch up on old projects if you want!
very nice milady, very nice. that is where all the hard work is done. i got your message sorry i havent called yet, im working two jobs right now and havent been afforded much talk time. ill call this weekend!
Beautiful!!! I especially love the second one. You're really using shape and design a lot, they look great. They remind me a little of Gary Kelley, I think because of the cafe theme. Great job!!!
Erika, these are really cool. Do you do them all in one sitting? How long are you spending on these? What type of pen are you using? They are really nice, I'm glad you are keeping up with the sketchbook stuff.
I'm using a Pentel R.S.V.P. pen. I like that it gives me a nice range of values and lots of control . . but I'm a control freak, so it suit me. ;) Most of the pages are collages of a sitting, but some are compiled over several visits if nothing fits the composition. Usually I complete 1 to 1.5 spreads per visit,
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