Saturday, October 14, 2006

Well, I really want to post/blog more, so first things first, sorry i feel like such a slacker! I have been pulling 12+ hour days and weekends at my job, I am actually doing a lot of photography, design, larger graphics, art directing, managing, and more.... Which is alright , BUT I really need to focus on drawing again. I was at Barnes and Noble for like hours tonight, looking through a lot of books with some modern paintings in it... I did a lot of sketching and brainstorming while I was there.

So I am trying to make this whole, "change" thing fun,.. so I have been working on a promotional piece. I have some really creative ideas and would like to also promote some of my recent drawings and paintings on it too. I will keep you posted... tomorrow I am focusing on the special dicut for the envelope, I have a really neat interactive idea to it.

Well, mostly I wanted to tell you all that I have been seeing some really cool projects posted... Cat- way to go on the freelance job... Sara- nice illustration and logo, and Ty-awesome portrait, and chris- you are always so hard on yourself cuz you been rocking it out too... along with everyone else on this blog!

Well I see my man from Iraq next week! He is bringing a lot of photos with him, so one of the projects that I work on next will incorporate this. I think it would be a really great project to work on. I did one for the Sept. 11, 2001, all day on the 12 and it turned out really nice... Its old but maybe I will reach in the archives and bring it out to you guys.

well lengthy one, just wanted to say -way to go everyone!

Here are 2 old ink drawings ,... cuz the one at the beach well, its gotten cold so that was from a while ago. I want to post a couple of smaller mixed media paintings I have been doing too... More plantlife- pattern, media type of paintings but I dont have a scanner yet, I have been taking pictures of pieces at work with the cam we have... so more to come.


Blogger Sarah Fox said...

Hey Kim! Good to hear from you. I really love the top drawing!!! I think the composition is awesome, like a circle, within a sort of square. Very nice. I like your loose style of's got a lot of movement in it. I hope you and you boy are doing well and having fun being together. How long is he going to be in the States for???
Can't wait to see some of your mixed media stuff!

11:58 AM  
Blogger Cat Scott said...

Kim, I love the way you draw. Can't wait to see more!

Have fun with Chris (I think I am remembering his name correctly....) Oh yeah - I had some eight o'clock brand coffee, hazelnut flavor of course, and thought of all of you. It's the little things, right?

3:23 AM  
Blogger Cat Scott said...

oh and about your job - it's awesome that you have more responsibility and lots of cool things to do, but remember that if it isn't what you love, you shouldn't waste too much time doing it - you are smart to be developing promos so you can start marketing yourself. You go girl ;)

3:36 AM  
Blogger Tyler said...

Kim! Great to see your stuff up here. I like your dedication to your lines in those drawings.... I get all scribbly. I imagine GP as Obi-Wan Kenobi telling us to "use the force, commit to our lines and move on" as we try to blow up the DeathStar. Yeah, I'm a nerd. That's rad that Chris is will be there so soon.

Like Sarah said, let's see those paintings....

...and like Cat said about your job, awesome but make sure you're doing what you love... no regrets. Time is something you can't get back.

5:32 PM  

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