Wednesday, July 11, 2007

portrait painting, first sitting

i have recently enrolled in a portrait painting class at the loudon academy of the arts with joseph trigiani (sp?). i was really excited to get working today. after talking and discussing and taking advice from the teacher, i would say that i got in almost a solid hour and a half of painting today, this is of course accounting for breaks for the model as well. i am also very excited to continue my studies, i often enjoy new approaches and Joe gave me some really great things to think about. The painting as it is now can be seen below. I will apologize in advance for the quality of the picture. I will replace it tomorrow when a picture can be taken in the daylight.

on a side note: i feel that i am finally beginning to adjust to life outside of richmond. i must admit, i am still not crazy about the area that i am now residing in but i find myself thinking about it less. i believe that this is in part due to the classes that i have been attending as of late. i am currently going to figure drawing on monday, an instructed portrait painting class on wednesdays and un-instructed figure painting on thursday. it is helping me to get out of the "funk" that i have found myself in for the last several months. any-hoo, im le tired and i need to be up early, check for more updates soon.


Blogger Cat Scott said...

cool, portrait painting too? looking good, can't wait to see more!

5:39 PM  

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