Well, I really want to post/blog more, so first things first, sorry i feel like such a slacker! I have been pulling 12+ hour days and weekends at my job, I am actually doing a lot of photography, design, larger graphics, art directing, managing, and more.... Which is alright , BUT I really need to focus on drawing again. I was at Barnes and Noble for like hours tonight, looking through a lot of books with some modern paintings in it... I did a lot of sketching and brainstorming while I was there.
So I am trying to make this whole, "change" thing fun,.. so I have been working on a promotional piece. I have some really creative ideas and would like to also promote some of my recent drawings and paintings on it too. I will keep you posted... tomorrow I am focusing on the special dicut for the envelope, I have a really neat interactive idea to it.
Well, mostly I wanted to tell you all that I have been seeing some really cool projects posted... Cat- way to go on the freelance job... Sara- nice illustration and logo, and Ty-awesome portrait, and chris- you are always so hard on yourself cuz you been rocking it out too... along with everyone else on this blog!
Well I see my man from Iraq next week! He is bringing a lot of photos with him, so one of the projects that I work on next will incorporate this. I think it would be a really great project to work on. I did one for the Sept. 11, 2001, all day on the 12 and it turned out really nice... Its old but maybe I will reach in the archives and bring it out to you guys.
well lengthy one, just wanted to say -way to go everyone!
Here are 2 old ink drawings ,... cuz the one at the beach well, its gotten cold so that was from a while ago. I want to post a couple of smaller mixed media paintings I have been doing too... More plantlife- pattern, media type of paintings but I dont have a scanner yet, I have been taking pictures of pieces at work with the cam we have... so more to come.