I don't think I mentioned it on here before but I am taking one class towards my MFA right now. I am giving the Academy of Art's online program a try, being an internet geek, it seemed like a perfect fit for me. Right now it's just a color theory class but GOOD GOD it's time consuming! When I originally signed up, I thought I would take one or two classes at a time and just peck away at my masters since it's something I have always wanted to get, but now I have been flirting with the idea of going "balls to the wall" (as David put it) and going full time so it doesn't take 6 years to finish. This of course means I won't be able to pursue freelance stuff as much as I would want to. So I'm perplexed. Maybe I should forget about PF Chang's and I should just live off of student loans and try to pursue freelance jobs in addition to my school workload.
Bah! I guess I'll see how the rest of this semester goes. Oh, and I'm leaving for Disney World with my family Wednesday morning and won't be back until Saturday night. I will try to do some sketches and stuff on the airplane so I can whip something out for the Halloween project when I come back - I am going to try to make it simple. I still haven't finished my self portrait and I haven't even transferred my ice cream one to board yet - I'm feeling very behind! I blame PF Chang's.
okay, enough bitching and moaning, I have some homework to do!